Homeschooled & Handmade Blog — Money 101

God Has Met all Your Needs!

Money 101

God Has Met all Your Needs!

Instead of going shopping and thinking you "can't" let's begin retraining our minds to the fact that wherever you go when you shop - you have just entered "God's Pantry".   

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Whose Money is it Anyway?

Money 101

Whose Money is it Anyway?

How are we to live by faith and not by sight when our rent is due, and the car needs gas, and the kids need milk in the morning? Doesn't God know that it takes CASH...

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Gift Giving is Good Business

Money 101

Gift Giving is Good Business

The enemy was attempting to convince me that if I "gave away" "my" money, I wouldn't be making a sound investment, like I do with my time or investments. After all, it is easy to give-when we KNOW we will get a return + some, but this doesn't require faith!

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